I don’t have all the answers or know what to do all the time as a husband, so I muddled my way through it. Also, Courtney and I have only been married for 6 years this May, and I don’t want our marriage to grow cold. I want to learn to be a better husband. I want to make our relationship better. I want our marriage to set an example for my boy so he will know what to look for in girl and also how to have a Godly marriage. By the time I made it through the first chapter I realized this was going to be a good book.
The day we get married, we don’t set out to have a cold and empty marriage. We have dreams, passion and love for each other. As life begins to happen and that “honeymoon” period ends, distractions begin to detour married couples from each other. It's not intentional, it just happens.
“Every Man’s Marriage” is a jolt, a shot in the arm, a wake up call - whatever you want to call it - to maintain your focus on your spouse. I am a selfish person and it challenged me to put Courtney before my needs, and by doing that my needs are fulfilled. I highly encourage you to read this book. I read it about every two years or so.
I do want to give a plug along the same lines of marriage: this past Sunday, Jimmy (my lead pastor) and I went to a conference in Atlanta. On our way there we visited a church in Anderson called New Spring Church. The lead pastor, Perry Noble, was preaching part 3 of a 4-part series called “IWantANewMarriage.com.” This was the best message I had ever heard on marriage. It was good for married couples as well as singles. When you get a chance, take time to listen or watch the podcast at:
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